A Christmas Gift For You!
Sustainable Health Mini E-course.
This is the time of year where everyone begins to get healthy. The whole "new year, new me!" is great except that how often does that enthusiasm actually last long enough for you to reach your goals?
Let this year be different! I want you to follow through in a way you never have before and I'm going to help you! "How is that", you ask?
Well, the #1 thing that kills your momentum is confusion and overwhelm! You get all excited to make this commitment to yourself and then it dies down when you start researching how to actually make it happen.
So let's start there! Let's make it easier, less confusing, less overwhelming.
I created a mini-course e-book for you that gives just a couple of things you can do to help you begin without overwhelming you. It goes over some common problems and the solutions to those problems... plus some recipes, blank planners, and some hacks to help with your energy!
This course has tons of value and totally free just because I want to help you start your journey and actually follow it through to your goals!
Head to my website www.HealthCoachAlyssa.com and download your free Sustainable Health mini e-course. I promise you will love it!
