A New Dawn of Awakening - The 7th Golden Age of Enlightenment
Re-Incarnation - Our Soul Contract
Planet Earth is a classroom for experiencing, learning, and growing, but more importantly, evolving! There are all ages attending this 'earth school'; old and young souls and every age in between. Before coming into this lifetime, the soul chooses (with the aid of teachers and guides) what the curriculum will look like!
A Soul might choose to achieve completion of only one karma, and therefore it might be only a short-lived life. This fact alone might aid the terrible grief of so many parents who, upon the death of a young child, feel it to be a tragedy that the child did not have a chance to truly experience life.
For the many who do not believe in reincarnation, their readiness for understanding the many realities experienced in this earth school is very limited. Their vision of the reality of life experiences on this planet is clouded by the idea that everything must be accomplished in only one lifetime and that death is a life-ended experience. Would you expect a kindergartner to know as much as a graduate student? Does this fact make the kindergartner student any less worthy than a graduate student? The graduate student has more knowledge than the kindergartner student who is just beginning to experience what life on this planet has to offer in the ways of lessons.
Even though old Souls have had many more experiences over eons of time, (in many forms other than human), they still experience the same hiding of knowledge by the veil of 'forgetfulness' as the younger souls until the soul's memories begin to come through! The earth is a very equitable Earth School, with karmic experiences necessary for learning and evolving. However, these are the most unusual times in the entire history of planet Earth. (There are many embodied souls who are not in incarnation for attending the earth school, but for serving humanity and mother earth in aid of the Awakening process and Ascension).
Seekers of higher Spiritual Truths, who have harmonized the 4 elements (air-representing the mental body/earth-representing the physical body/fire-representing the etheric body or the spiritual body/water-representing the emotional body) have already graduated from the 3rd dimension of this earth school, and are ready in stepping into the Higher 5D vibrations the completion of Ascension. (this giant step in our evolution should be completed by 2030). If however the natural steps have not been taken and learned, then moving into higher vibrations will not be possible; a kindergartner student would not understand what is being expressed.
The learning takes place by steps of readiness! Therefore, those who are not ready, along with those who could be ready, but choose not to wake up, will be taken to another planet to complete their learning experiences. There are many planets with schools, but much easier than this 'experimental earth planet'. When they have completed their 'training' they will join those who are ascending to the New Earth that is currently being created by those who are ready to ascend.
Many of those going to another planet for the schooling have already left their planet by means of a contracted choice, called death. The choice to leave planet earth is always made by our soul. However in some cases, choices for a better and/or easier life, have also been consciously made at the personality level. Furthermore, readiness is true for many of us. However, oftentimes, until we have been 'brought down to our knees', the experiences we have amassed from other lifetimes, will not surface until the final 'push'.
When this awareness finally happens, it often appears to be a quantum leap, but in reality, it simply means that we were ready to awaken, and suddenly we 'just' know so much more than we realized. Therefore, it is essential that we 'stop the blame-game' and release all that does not serve us. But more importantly, being grateful for our challenges, embracing that 'the world is indeed a stage, men and women merely actors, they have exits and entrances and each actor 'plays' many parts! However, humility is the first step towards wisdom which will make it possible for us to transition from fear to love where life will become a wonderful adventure!
This inner knowing is available to all of us who are ready for the Ascension! A New Dawn of Awakening As we awaken, we discover our own greatness, our own uniqueness, and inner splendour. There is a sleeping giant within the heart of every human being. This sleeping giant has been waiting centuries to release its magnificence to the world. To awaken this giant is a journey back home where life becomes a wonderful adventure! The fundamental questions are: Who AM I?, Why AM I here?” What is my purpose?”, &“ What is my destiny?” In answering these questions, the 'Tree of Life Teachings' leads us to the Holy Grail, where the quest for Truth, which has been hidden for thousands of years is revealed! This Lost Knowledge has been around as long as humans have been on the planet! Our Higher Intelligence, our Christ Intelligence, or Higher Consciousness is; the part from which we each separated in the fall from Grace.
This part of each of us remains today, in the Realm of Perfection. Yet, it is constantly seeing all that we see as it looks through our eyes; it knows everything we are going through. It knows each of our thoughts, feelings, deeds, and decisions. It knows all of the good and all of the bad. But it never takes on any of our human imperfections! Our destiny is to reunite with our Higher Intelligence, and to bring all of our Higher Selves into our earthly selves to express that Perfection through our earthly lives, through re-incarnation which we have experienced thousands of times! The official Cosmic shift into the Aquarian Age began in 2012, representing the Higher Intelligence of the Heart; our Soul.
Rita Be-Still,
Light Bearer , Author, Motivational Speaker Be-Still - A New Dawn of Awakening - Bridge to Inner Freedom www.be-stillworld.com e-mail: ritabe-still@gmail.com www.be-stillworld.com