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A September to Remember and an October to be Thankful For 2024

We have the chance to see things and do things a bit differently.  It is up to us to embrace the fall and everything that it has to offer us.

The air is cooler, the crisp feeling brings us the change we need to bake, make and be aware that this is our time to shine.  Fall fairs and gathering for a barbeque are just two things that make us see our lives and opportunities a little differently.  We can plan for doing stuff that the summer did not allow us to do as we enjoyed and embraced the sun and heat.  Now we can do things that help ourselves and others like volunteering, making a difference in someone’s life and above all, making the difference we need to see in our lives. Vacations are over for now and we are back to a schedule and structure.  We will see how to change the structure to have the life we want and to be adding true value to the lives of those around us.  It is critical to be who we are but different.  It allows us to be living and not existing and most of all, it allows us to see what we can do if we truly want to.

September is back to school, back to a normal schedule and it is not about living ground hog day.  Make sure that you approach this new month with a happy and positive attitude.  Know that the stuff of day to day can be enhanced by adding in new additions slowly to make your life a new and improved state of being.  You are the ingredient to the success of the life you want and it is up to you to allow the changes you need to happen and then and only then, will you be the person in the fall you need to be.  Now is the time to reach out and in to see what you have to offer.  It may seem hard at first, but in the end you will understand the journey and you will be grateful that you started on it.  The time has come for a revolution of thought and you are the best person ever to make this leap of faith.

As we end September and start into October, our thoughts are about being thankful for what we have, who we are and what we are about.  Never lose sight of the fact that we are the only things that we can be sure of.  The thanks we feel and the love we share are not to be taken lightly.  Family and true friends are the gifts of life that we need to be aware of.  Not fake people who pretend and smile in your face.  Know the value of family as we celebrate Thanksgiving.  See the beauty of truth and understand your place in the scheme of life.  Never question your choices if they come from your heart.  You are the best judge in your life.  Don’t give away your power to people who use you as they choose you. Be strong and know that the intentions of others are not always in your best interest.  Trust those who have proven to be on your side, and who stand beside you always.  

It is time for us to allow the spirit of goodness to take over our lives.  Time for us to see the changes we can make if we open our eyes and our hearts.  Every day is a gift and we do not have to wait for a special occasion.  We are a special occasion always.  This is the best time to see the reality of our lives and to agree to change the channel on anything and anyone that is not working.  The tune-up of life needs to start with the need to be tuned up.  Tuned in to the truth and the beliefs of what makes our lives unique and truly ours. 

Share the knowledge of pure joy and know that we will be stronger and better for it.  The changing of the seasons is a great reason to seek out new and different things to do.  It is up to us to see what we can do, what we want to do and to share it with others.  People are struggling today with loneliness and a lack of belonging.  Perhaps it is the best time to bring them in and to include them in our journey.  Understand that this is the time.  These two months provide all of us with the will and the ability to move forward in different ways. 

Maybe you volunteer in a shelter or with animals for 2 hours a week to start.  You may get on a committee to raise funds for a school or library.  Bake sales, and time spent on making the community feel like a community are not lost in the scheme of giving and giving back.  As you sit to eat dinner at Thanksgiving and celebrate with family and friends, remember those who are alone and who do not have anyone to be with.  Or maybe they do not have a home.  To me, this is such a powerful time and it is up to us to take it and make it really work.  Let us not lose the momentum of the months and see the power we can use for the next part of the journey and year.

No matter what we do.  No matter what we say.  This is time we use well and reap the rewards of acting with compassion and love and not just saying it.  When your actions are equal to your words, then and only then will you be happy with yourself.  This applies to everything in your life and not just work.  Family and friends will see you in a new light.  But most importantly of all, you will see you in a new light.  You will have more respect for yourself and you will understand that you have now seen how much you are truly capable of.  It is important for you to see yourself in the light of day and night and to have the light shine more and more each day.  You will pass this on to your children, your animals, your friends, and yourself.  It is not about how you help others it is about how you now help you.

September is not just about back to school and structure, it is about a new and fresh start on a life that you already live.  It is more than school supplies and new clothes.  It is about seeing you in a way that you never saw before.  Open your eyes to the day and the future and be sure that it is going to be fantastic.  It is.  It will be.

October is not about big dinners and turkey.  It is about celebrating the people you have cultivated in your life that matter to you and how you matter to them.  Your shared desire to have people close to you and to allow them into the life you live and share.  It is the time before we celebrate our Veterans and our freedom.  Then we will look forward to Christmas.  A celebration that ends the year and that starts a new one.

Look at yourself now and see who you are.  Put in the effort in the coming two months to see the additions you make and want to be a part of.  See your worth in a light that is worthy of you.  Reach out to others who do not have family and who need you.  Be ready to make a small difference to make a huge impact.  Your presence is a present.  Live in the now and see how you are working to change the world one little bit at a time.  You do this now, but it is not seen because it is what you just do.  Adding more expectations will equal positive results and you can never question that.  The fall is truly a time for new beginnings and endings like the leaves on the trees.  Your beginnings will be hopeful and happy when you see yourself in the light you were meant to shine in.

I wish everyone a happy and healthy fall.  I know that you will take the time to make the time and that all of the efforts will be worth it.  Enjoy September and October for what they are.  A time for fun, family, and great times.  Food and frolic and helping one day at a time.


Diane E. Makarowski
Life Enhancer Let me help you to navigate the areas you struggle with and share some life experiences and knowledge to make the sun come out again. Let me be there for you and we will learn together on your journey to a healthier and happier life. 


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