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Aged Like Fine Wine

I haven’t written tons of books as some writers have in their careers, but what I have written; be it for my fiction and non-fiction books which are on; as a columnist or on my Blog at: has been fun and a labour of love. Hoping to be able to get my own site again at in the future. Fingers crossed.

Sometimes when you are writing, the words or the ideas don’t come and you sit there wondering why you even began this journey. But I tell you, stick with it. Stay focused on what you want to accomplish. Don’t lose faith. Write what comes to your mind and remember that you can always go back and change something later. We are lucky that it’s easier for us to make changes today, than it was in the days of the old-fashioned typewriters.

One of my books, Ghost Detective The Magic Ruby, took me a long time to unravel. Life got in the way as well as health issues for me and for many people I loved, so the writing had to be shelved. But I realized that had I written that story in the past, I may not have been as happy with the outcome as I am today. I guess I had to mature, aged like fine wine.

I can be a perfectionist when it comes to my writing too. It just has to flow, flow, flow, before I move on, which can also slow my progress down. What I recently found was that as long as I kept writing, the story came. It would unravel and as long as I got the just of what I was trying to convey, I could always go back later and fix it to be the way I wanted it to be.

I was getting hung up on being a perfectionist which made me procrastinate. Interesting how we find different ways to reach our destinations. In the past, I thought that if the next word, the next sentence wasn’t perfect, I could not move on. Now, I know that if I just keep writing, the story will come. Even if it’s not today. But it will come if it’s meant to be.

Find your writing style and don’t be afraid to change it if one way feels better. That’s how we grow. Change is always good.

Happy writing and drop me a line at to let me know how it’s going. Or visit my blog or Amazon page and you can check out my books.

S. R. John

SR John is a Writer, Author and Life Coach. She offers various Writing services as well as Life Coaching services, dealing with caregivers looking after their loved ones. As a caregiver herself to several family members, she understands the importance of self-care when it comes to looking after ourselves during difficult times. She is the author of, ‘Bipolar Love Experiencing Mental Illness From The Other Side A Love Story’, ‘Bipolar Love Caring For The Caregiver 8 Simple Steps To Self-Care’, a book for caregivers, as well as a children’s fiction book, ‘Ghost Detective The Magic Ruby. You can check out her books on or visit her site at Her email address is also listed below.

Life Coach - Coaching the Caregiver - Supporting those that care for loved ones

Books: Bipolar Love Experiencing Mental Illness From The Other Side A Love Story (fiction)

Bipolar Love Caring For The Caregiver 8 Simple Steps To Self-Care (non-fiction)

Ghost Detective The Magic Ruby (fiction for young and old)


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