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Compassion, love & kindness

​​What comes to mind for you when you think of compassion?

To me, compassion is expanding the heart, and a sense of connecting with all sentient beings. A sense of something limitless, unconditional and pure.

A first step is to develop a deep wish and intention to grow our compassion, to develop that part of ourselves. Whether you’re a spiritual person or not. The quality of someone showing love and compassion is something we are all drawn to in life.

When we meet somebody we like or feel comfortable around it’s usually because they are a kind, generous & compassionate person. And not too self-centred and arrogant.

Compassion and kindness are at the centre of all personal and spiritual growth.

What might the world look like if in we all lead with compassion and kindness at the core of everything?

Instead of judging others for the way they look, or behave we might consider what life might be like for them? We don’t know what anybody else is going through, and most wounds are invisible to the naked eye.

When we trust that people are doing their best, and it’s important to note that it’s their best, not yours. Your life is so much more peaceful, and filled with love and compassion. This doesn’t mean someone can treat you unkindly, or in a disrespectful way. It just means that they are doing the best they can in this moment.

If you can stay in this present moment, instead of worrying about the future or being angry about the past or an unmet expectation… You have the capacity for love and compassion. You can imagine what it might be like to live in their shoes.

And meditation plays a huge part in becoming a more peaceful & compassionate person.

Something many misunderstand is that if you meditate in the morning, and feel beautifully connected. But then lead a hectic, and judgy life the rest of the day, you are essentially two different people. One who is at peace, and one who is hurried and disconnected.

The key is to bring that meditative state of being present, with yourself, your body and the present moment with you, all throughout the day.

It’s in the small moments, it’s especially great practice when you are waiting for something to happen. Instead of letting impatience and anger rise, focus on your breath, feel your feet ground into the floor below you.

Like waiting to get going in traffic and someone is slow ahead of you, and you might miss the green light, yet again… There’s no need to feel angry since it won’t get you started faster anyways. All this emotion is with you only.

Focus on your breath, feel your hands touch the wheel, be present in the moment. Not only are you bringing peace into your life, you are also practicing kindness – and even forgiveness.

Another small moment could be when you’re washing your hands, actually feel the water, feel the slick soap as you massage your hands. Notice your breath, and actually experience the moment.

If we forget to do this, we consistently live in the past or the future and we miss out on living our actual life entirely.

It’s in the small things, you don’t even need to slow down, or go out of your way to do something special. As many times a day as you can remember, come back to your breath, and feel the ground beneath your feet.

I’d like to leave you with these questions:

How could you be more compassionate, loving & forgiving towards yourself?

Where do you notice that you could show more compassion, love & forgiveness towards others? Not just the people closest to you, even the strangers who flow into & out of your life?

Do you need some help with self compassion or towards others? I have one more 20min spot coaching call available this week! Reply with “more compassion” and we’ll set it up!

Jani is a certified ICF & Martha Beck Life Coach

Apply here to work with Jani!

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