Don't wait for the New Year. Start making some Real Life Changes now!
If you know you want to make some Real Life Changes but aren't quite sure how to get started, or perhaps you have attempted in the past with no success, this webinar is the place to start!
Along with learning the top 5 steps to manifesting change and removing blocks that may be preventing you from living the life of your dreams, there is also a PDF workbook to guide you along your journey to change,and help you set attainable action steps, and as a BONUS, I will be providing you with two downloadable guided meditations.
Simply join our Healing Vibes community to get login details to this live webinar on December 11th at 1:11 pm MST, PLUS have access to the recording, AND get access to The Rose-Anne Daily community!
The Rose-Anne Daily covers daily energy shift updates, weekly video updates, latest news that is impacting the collective consciousness, and a place to be able to discuss topics of interest and connect with other soverign-minded individuals.
For this month's launch, get 50% off the Healing Vibes community! Regularly only $11.00 USD... with this coupon now $5.50 for the month!
Simply click this link to register and visit the Healing Vibes community posts to get zoom details for this live workshop: