From the Editor's Desk - September
Try to be as nice as possible to others, because we do not know what someone’s going through in their private life.

Hello and Happy September!
The other day I made a joke about how I think that New Year’s Eve should be on August 31st, and New Year’s Day should be on September 1st. Because to me, September always feels like a renewal!
Maybe it’s because when we are children, September is the start of the new school year and we carry that feeling into adulthood. Or maybe it’s that many people go away for the summer and fall is a when many people get back into the business mindset. Or maybe it’s the season changing, when the colours slowly start transforming into a beautiful collage of red, orange, and yellow - the colours of fire and passion! Whatever it is, to me there’s just something about September – or the anticipation of all it brings – Holidays, warm drinks, cool days, sweaters, pumpkin everything, snow, cinnamon, skiing, and skating. And best of all - settling in with a blanket, a warm drink and a good book or magazine to lift the spirits. To me, it's all these things that make Fall the most special season of all.
In this “New Year”, I’m hoping we can all tap into our compassion.
Everyone’s emotions are a roller coaster these days. Try to be as nice as possible to others, because we do not know what someone’s going through in their private life. Even if someone lashes out at you, understand that it’s probably because they are going though a tough time and lashing out is their way of dealing with it. Take a deep breath and approach the situation with a kind heart.
So, enjoy the last drops of summer – pick your last vegetables and fruits, walk in the warm, sunny air; go to the beach, grab an extra scoop (or two!) of ice cream. Get as much sun as possible and reap the health benefits of Vitamin D (and get in a final tan!). I’ll see you in October. :)

Krista Hannesen Editor in Chief - A Beautiful Life Magazine Head of Editing & Content Curation, A Beautiful Life Worldwide 3X Published Author Producer, A Beautiful Life Podcast
Instagram: @kristahannesen