How You Know When It's Time To Go

Many consider making a big move, resigning from that job, or finding the courage to leave a relationship that no longer feels well. But most people get stuck in fear, guilt, and the abyss of the unknown. Others impulsively dive into a significant change without considering the long-term effects, coming up for air months later and wondering what they have gotten into. So, how do you know when it's really time to go?
One year ago today, I resigned from my full-time salaried job to reboot my private counselling practice. I was terrified, but I had considered this change for one full year and knew I was making the right decision. I intuitively heard three soul signals confirming my readiness, and I trusted them.
If you are considering a change and are wondering when it's time to go, here are three soul signals to listen for.
1. Your answer or decision remains unchanged over time, seasons, and mood fluctuations. Your thoughts and feelings about the impending change may vary daily or even minute to minute, so if possible, give yourself a solid amount of time to get used to the idea. The right answer will keep coming to you repeatedly, sometimes loudly, but more often, like a whisper. Listen for consistency over time, and you will hear it.
2. Your need for change is stronger than your fear. Significant changes often bring discomfort and anxiety; you may resist or fight your ideas, but some wiser part knows you must make a change. Eventually, your deep knowing will motivate you more than fear.
3. You trust, as much as humanly possible, that your well-being will be taken care of, and so will the well-being of those impacted by your decision. You will likely be gripped with fear about your physical, emotional, and financial well-being, but your wiser self knows everything will be handled. You know that struggles are ahead, but you have spoken with your higher power, spiritual benefactors, or supportive people, and you somehow know all will be well.
I'm sending you love and light as you listen for your soul signals!
If you live in Ontario, are facing a change or life transition, and need extra individual counselling support, I'm here for you. Visit my website to learn more about online sessions and book a free 15-minute consultation. Most employee health benefits cover my services.