Human Nature
When did we forget who we are?

Human nature is defined as “the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioural traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.” By this very definition, we view humans as a separate entity, having an identity that is stand alone. It does not reflect the relational beings that we are. I have come to view the term human nature in a different light. With the understanding that we are a part of Nature expressed as Humans. Therefore, we are “Human Nature” intricately connected to all life forms on this earth. We have become so disconnected from that which we are, from that which we came from, and from that we are eternally a part of.
We are lost, and unable to see what is right in front of us. Psychologically extracted from the very fabric in which we are weaved. When did we lose our way? When did we forget who we are? When did the part become more important than the whole? And when did one part have more significance from the other? Our healing is the earth’s healing. The earth’s healing is our healing. We have been searching for a sense of purpose and belonging, not realizing that living in nature, as nature is our purpose. To understand and live in harmony with the natural world around us.
To understand ourselves through a relational lens, to all. When we live close to the earth, we live close to ourselves. We are stewards of the earth, not as leaders, but as co-inhabitants with the many wonderful life forms here. When we are living in harmony, we are mindful of the impact of our choices, individually, socially and environmentally. We create a healthy permaculture, defined as “a set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems.”
Viewing and living life through a permaculture lens, brings with it a sense of responsibility, stewardship and connectivity. To feel that we are positively contributing to the whole. To feel that we make a difference to life, to the earth which holds and feeds us.
As we are, Human as Nature, we need to deepen our understanding of what this really means. To feel connected lifts our spirits, gives us joy and peace. What in the natural world lights you up inside? Do you gravitate to water, forests, mountains, plants, animals? Do you make time each day to build relationships with the wild? Healing in nature is connecting to our non-human relatives.
If we can see ourselves not as separate, not as an observer of nature, but living within the relationship of nature, we can learn to walk more softly both on the earth and within ourselves. Practicing using all of our senses in nature, can help us to slow down and connect to ourselves and the natural world.
Walk in a forest and see the colours, listen to the sounds of the forest, inhale the wonderful scents, touch the trees, the earth, the plants. Experience the life through which you walk. Feel the magnificence of nature on earth, breathe it into your soul. We live within a wonder-filled ecosystem, requiring us to do our part to keep it alive and healthy, which in turn keeps us alive and healthy. Our human nature, our true nature, is nature. When we make this connection, we, as humans, can fulfill our purpose of being healthy contributors to our natural eco-system along with all other life forms. I invite you to embrace that which you are! Naturally.

Linda Cooper