Inner Child Therapy

$15-$20 (60 min) Saturday, May 4th, 2024, @2PM PDT
Not in the same time zone? Click HERE for your local time.
In this workshop, you will meet your Inner Child, nurture her and help her heal.
As you heal your inner child, you will be healing yourself in the very powerful and profound way.
Please join me in this incredible healing opportunity!
Not sure if this is for you? I will help you find out in the Gift Session, "Insight & Inspiration" (30 min). *This is not a healing session.
For anything else, please contact me here. I would LOVE to celebrate the connection with you.
Thank you for visiting my page.
You are a beautiful soul.
aki Energy Healer Holistic Hypnotherapist
424.387.9011 (USA)
