Mastering YOUR Mindset ~ February 17th, 2025
This week we will be strongly influenced by the Last Quarter Moon in the sign of Sagittarius which arrives on the 20th... this provides us with a pivotal moment of reflection and release. This lunar phase ignites a profound yearning for freedom that reverberates through every aspect of your being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Sagittarius’ energy flows through us like wildfire, burning away the constraints that have held us back from our truest expression. On a physical level, you may feel an overwhelming urge to move, to dance, to run, to break free from routine and stagnation. Your body whispers of adventures yet unclaimed, of mountains yet to be climbed.
Here is our weekly session to see what we can focus upon to experience more of who we truly are this week... The idea of mastering our mindset is an important aspect to being aligned with who we are at a soul-level, to share our unique gifts and fulfill our calling.