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Mastering YOUR Mindset ~ October 7th, 2024

This week we are influenced by a grounding First Quarter Moon in the sign of Capricorn that arrives the 10th... it brings with it a sense of structure, discipline and an opportunity for personal growth through hard work. 💪✨

A Libra Sun squares this Capricorn moon phase signifying an important time for diplomacy and tenacity. This is an opportunity for us to push through roadblocks in our life, let go of limiting beliefs, and consider other points of view we may have discounted in the past. 🙏

Here is our weekly session to see what we can focus upon to experience more of who we truly are this week... The idea of mastering our mindset is an important aspect to being aligned with who we are at a soul-level, to share our unique gifts and fulfill our calling. 💜


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