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Author Tom Burakowski

Hooray, everyone, it's August, the eighth month (8). Welcome to all you Lions and Lionesses. August will be a busy month, beginning with a full moon on the first day (8/1) and ending with a blue moon on the last day (8/31). These represent the big-time releasing of energy that no longer serves us or can be harmful. Let the Moon reflect these realizations to us and have the courage to let go. Be kind to yourself for holding onto that energy for so long. Now is the time to let go. It no longer serves our higher purpose. Remember, when we do all this releasing, we create space previously held by harmful energy. Take a moment and send love to clear and make room for your new creation of who you can be. Another big day is the Lion's Gate on the eighth (8/8). More on that later.

Let's get right into the numerology. Eight (8) stands for prosperity and abundance. Notice what is happening on 8/8, 8/17, (1+ 7 = 8) and 8/26 (2 + 6 = 8). These dates vibrate very strongly, holding the dynamic energy of the 8/8 Lionsgate. It is a gateway aligning to the rising of Star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. It is said that our Sun, as we know it, is our physical Sun, while Sirius is our spiritual Sun. Sirius allows every high consciousness energy to download into our conscious reality. The Ancients believe it is energy from a highly evolved civilization stimulating our enlightenment. Looking at the number 8, we see the infinity symbol standing upright, suggesting the potential for the constant flow of prosperity. The crossover point suggests that 8 comprises four above and four below the crossover. Four represents our heart chakra and the structure and foundation of our physical heart and the high heart. This leads us to the location of the high heart. It is at the top of our breastbone in the center of our chest, where our Thymus resides. It is most mature in infancy during the lymphatic and immune system development. It begins to shrink after puberty. However, it is an essential part of our lymphatic system and the production of white blood cells for our immune system. As adults, we can stimulate the Thymus by tapping gently on the breastbone to awaken it to its higher purpose, being to "tap into the higher conscious" of our soul. The tapping is very gentle, only three times, once a day. The thymus gland, the high heart, holds our spiritual essence, and the nurturing of this gland cn affect a person's spiritual, soulful evolution.

More on the Astrology.

Aug. 1, (8/1) is a super full Moon because of its closeness to Earth; we will feel its effect more intensely.

August 4 (8/4) Mercury prepares for going retrograde later in the month. We notice heightened intuition and insights connected to the Lionsgate of 8/8.

August 8, (8/8) Called the Lionsgate portal. August 8 is the high point of alignment with Star Sirius. When we bring awareness to this portal energy, we open ourselves to multiple levels of our soul's journey. No matter where we are in our journey, we can activate the pure potential for expansion and soulful evolution.

August 12, (8/12) A precious little boy was born on this day. Happy Birthday Thomas John Burakowski!

August 13, (8/13) Venus Starpoint, when Venus aligns with the Sun. It is the planet of beauty, love, and, of course, relationships. Be prepared for insights into beauty, the possibilities for new passion, or the rejuvenation of existing relationships.

August 16, (8/16) Leo's new Moon prepares us for Venus retrograde and shows us to look within for knowing ourselves and insights into self-love.

August 21-23 The Sun aligns with another Royal Star, this time Star Regulus activating an additional portal for success, abundance, and acknowledgments. A great day to meditate and set intentions of where we wish this Royal energy to advance us.

August 23, The Sun moves out of Leo and into Virgo. It has the feeling that school is going to start soon; time to clear out clutter and prepare for a new beginning.

Also, August 23, Mercury moves into retrograde and into its ruling sign of Virgo. It can be a time of intense reflection, especially in a month with Blue Moon energy.

August 27 - 8/28 Uranus joins Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in retrograde. All of these planets are saying, take time to reflect. What did all this planetary slowdown show us? The question is, when we put them all together, do we agree with the insights? How do we integrate them and formulate a plan for going forward in this Divine Time?

Finally, August 30 - August 31st Pisces Blue Super Full Moon.

We mentioned how rare this "once in a Blue Moon? is, and even though the month has been about reflection, the Saturn energy in retrograde is the Master Teacher. All are aligned to nurture, reflect, celebrate, enjoy, and give Gratitude for the Sun in Leo and the planets reminding us to embody our Soulfulness and Brilliance. Enjoy your Summer. That is my plan.

Linda has a Sonic Reiki healing tract to support all this info. (see below)



Bonus Music


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