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Surviving Year-End as an HR Pro: Tips for Pause & Reset

As the year comes to a close, HR professionals are likely feeling a range of emotions and experiences. On the one hand, there is a sense of accomplishment and pride in the work that has been done over the past year. On the other hand - and that is the majority- the year-end can be a very busy and a stressful time as they work to wrap-up projects, meet deadlines, run year-end payrolls, review open-enrollment files, close out performance reviews (...oh and so so so so much more!) and prepare for the new year to come.

During this high-stress time, it's important for HR pros to practice self-leadership and incorporate small habits into their daily routine.

What Does Self-Leadership Mean?

Self-leadership represents how much an individual understands themselves, what they want to achieve, and the ability to strive towards their objectives intentionally ... intentionally being the keyword here!

Charles C. Manz coined the term self-leadership in Self-Leadership: Toward an Expanded Theory of Self-Influence Processes in Organizations to describe a comprehensive self-influenced perspective one develops to get things done, even if they aren’t naturally motivating.

Self-leadership is a crucial skill for any individual in any workplace, including HR Pros, as it allows you to take control of your own goals and motivations and work towards achieving them in a disciplined and self-aware manner. A 2021 research has found that self-leadership elevates employee engagement, commitment, and work performance. However, it's important to recognize that self-leadership isn't just about pushing forward and achieving success at all costs.

This is where the concept of pause and reset comes in. Taking a pause allows us to take a break from the constant hustle and bustle of daily life and work, and gives us the opportunity to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. It allows us to take a step back and reassess our priorities for the day, our goals, and our strategies for achieving them, ensuring we are putting our energy on the right things.

For HR Pros, this pause and reset process is especially important. By regularly taking the time to reassess their direction, they can ensure that they are staying true to their values, goals, and motivations. It allows them to refocus their energy and efforts, and course correct if necessary - especially at year-end activities!

So, how can we incorporate pause and reset into our self-leadership practices?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Schedule regular breaks: Make sure to schedule regular breaks throughout the day and week to give yourself the opportunity to pause and reset. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes to step away from your desk for 5 min, or taking a walk, or setting aside dedicated "reset" time on your calendar.

  2. Reflect on your progress: Take the time to regularly reflect on your progress towards your tasks and goals. Are you on track? Are you feeling motivated? If not, it may be time to pause and reset.

  3. Review your to-do list: How many of those items can actually wait until 2023? Be honest! I bet about 80% of those tasks can wait and only about 20% of those are truly necessary to be completed today or in the next few days. Constantly re-prioritizing is the key to keeping your brain sane!

  4. Seek support: Don't be afraid to reach out to others for support and guidance during your pause and reset process. Colleagues, friends, or a mentor can provide valuable perspective and help you get back on track.

  5. Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries around work and personal time can help you maintain a healthy work-life integration, even during the most busiest time of the year.

  6. Engage in self-care: Is it a good book? Is it quiet time? Is it being with friends and family? However you define self-care, go do it! Get your batteries recharged.

Constantly reprioritizing is the key to keeping your brain sane!

Incorporating pause and reset into your self-leadership practices can help you stay focused, motivated, and on track towards achieving your goals - even during year-end at the most busy time of year! It allows you to regularly reassess your direction and course correct if necessary, ensuring that you are staying true to your values and motivations.

So don't be afraid to hit the #pause button and take a step back – it can ultimately help you move forward even more effectively!

Make a shift in your life and start working on your self-leadership today. Click here and find out how you can invest in yourself and discover how In The Worx can support your journey to self-leadership.

With life being always #intheworx, we support overwhelmed HR Professionals and business owners become intentional and present leaders, find focus through self-leadership, and successfully improve their employees’ experience and day-to-day work.


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