‘Things Fall Apart, So Better Things Can Happen’ - Has Never Rung So True

So I own a media company, we produce magazines, books, videos and live events. With each platform I create, I have always had a clear, definite vision - known from the first draft to the final version - who I was going to work with and exactly how it will unfold.
This is what happened to me when I wasn’t looking, wasn’t forcing, wasn’t controlling every detail.
In May, I launched a new magazine with a really cool concept and if you asked me how it all happened I’d now say ‘Divine intervention, the law of attraction…….…. fate’ - because this magazine is more than an amazing platform - for me it’s about coming full circle.
Allow me to back track. 6 years ago I went through a horrible time in my life with a major personal upheaval that really did a number on me and I struggled with the aftermath for a long time.
My work was always a salvation and I turned once again to it to help me cope. I thought of an idea for a magazine and went so far as to produce a prototype but it didn't feel right. The timing was off and the concept incomplete. So I defaulted back to what I know best, the beauty industry, as it what I was trained in and I created a Beauty based magazine and website called The Big Book of Beauty - spas, diets, even plastic surgery dominated the production. I loved it and it did well… but then something happened that I look back on now and it makes me wonder…
3 years ago a series of events, happening very close together, changed the course of the Big Book of Beauty. First off our website got hacked… and it was bad, it was going to cost a fortune to rebuild the site. Then I had trouble with a client who was not only copying everything I was doing, but used my site visitor numbers to build her own site and take sponsors - the betrayal was rough and to add to the stress, my father had to have open heart heart surgery.
It was a challenging time and left me deflated. We tried to regroup but nothing felt right and it became a chore just to keep the platform going. We honoured all our client commitments, but when a Colleague in the States gave me an offer for the concept a year later, I sold and took a step stepped back to find my balance.
Then earlier this year this happened….
While rummaging through some boxes I found that original prototype of the magazine I had done years ago …skimming through it I realized that the cover and the topics inside did not match - inside of the magazine the content was all about the ‘external’ world (what would be come The Big Book of Beauty) but the title of the Magazine was about the ‘internal’ world (The mind - body - spirit).
Something told me to immediately begin the re launch the original title and A Beautiful Life Magazine was reborn. From the first moment I was committed to making the magazine happen it felt like a train zooming up the tracks and I was chasing after it, it just kept evolving almost as if on its own.
This time the interior was going to match the title and with the focus on personal development. I always say the magazine is like your own Personal Development Coach right at your fingertips.
Incredible Life Coaches, Doctors, Mediums, Angel Card Readers, Communication & Image Experts began to come on as regular columnists and sales of the Print version began right away!
I realize now that I had to work on becoming stronger in my own life before I could motivate or inspire others, which is why it didn't work 6 years ago but can work now. What I had perceived all those years ago as devastating to my business, was in fact moving me towards exactly what I wanted.
On that fateful day when I found the original prototype, I realize now that I what I held in my hands my past…….. and my future.
The phrase ‘ things fall apart so better things can happen’ has never rung so true!

Written by Ronnie Swais Owner of A Beautiful Life Publishing A Beautiful Life Magazine - Publisher