Unleashing Your Super Powers
Get your tickets at Eventbrite Join in while we take you on a healing journey through Music, Meditation and Channeling . Where ancient mysteries will be UNEARTHED. Musician / Composer and Filmographer Chris Noble will be joining Spiritual Channeler and Intuitive Healer/ Teacher Melissa T. Downard as they are lead by M.C. Peter Dennis. Author , Speaker and Podcaster, Channleing Facilitater . You will experience music in a new light through high freqencies and vibrations that will feed and fill your soul. Learn all about ancient mysteries unearthed with perspecticves from humans on earth and also from True Beings of Light through channeling and meditation and music. This event is on Zoom. Please Open your heart and pay what you feel. $11.11, $22.22, $33.33......$88.88, ....... $111.11... https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/658114176217
Melissa is a true healer, physically, energetically and spiritually. For many years, Melissa sensed her angels and guides around her. Intuitively, she has received messages through channeling, and regularly shares, records, and publishes the messages and guidance that she receives. This work has helped many receive comfort and light while on their Light Path Transition. No one is alone and it is Melissa’s passion to ensure that all who are in pain, know that there is always someone looking over them, whether here or beyond, and are helping them heal at a soul level. Melissa is a Spiritual Channeller and Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, and Essenian Healer. Melissa has trained as a Reiki Master, Registered Practical Nurse, and a Medical Office Assistant. She is a contributing writer for a Beautiful Life magazine and speaks on many topics to sharing the knowledge that we are all one and we are all connected within our heart-opening awareness.
Chris Noble is a musician, filmmaker, entrepreneur and founder of the research organization Ancient Mysteries Unearthed. Throughout Chris’s life, he has been on a search for universal truth, unravelling the mysteries of consciousness and uncovering the wisdom of the universe and how to integrate that knowledge into everyday reality. His research has taken him all around the world, to the pyramids of Egypt, the stone circle ruins of South Africa, temples in Greece, prehistoric shamanic shrines in Malta, many in depth courses on spiritual growth, transcendental meditation trainings, reiki practitioner training, wide variety of research into the sciences with a focus on quantum physics and neuroscience and performing healing music all around North America, experiencing the results of frequency/sound healing first hand. Chris has gathered a plethora of information and wisdom that he’s distilled into his teachings, which he brings to you today.
Chris and I will chat about our experiences in Egypt and ancient teachings and share in the divine connection of Higher dimensional beings of light . I will be sharing mediation and channeled messages with the beautiful healing sounds from Chris Noble. Join us for this interactive fun evening together.
Event topics
To Register for classes or to R.S.V.P. for meditations please by email melissad@truebeingsoflight.com, or contacting me via text or phone at 905-866-7424. I hope to see you there.