Winter Solstice Event Offering
At the Solstice that the quiet, ancient, cyclic time of Illumination & Reflection and sacred time of Power, Initiation, & Harmony, we enter a Magical period as space, time, dimension fade away & we can directly connect with the ancients, our ancestors, Nature, & Source through the simple act of honouring the seasonal changes through communal ceremony. The Universe invites us to discover a sense of Harmony through reflecting upon the past six months & gazing toward the next six months, expressing gratitude for all we have experienced & sending blessings & continued abundance to our future selves as we take the Knowledge that we have embodied over the past year & transform it into Wisdom.
This Solstice is flavoured with several brilliant celestial occurrences, including the annual Galactic Evolutionary Alignment and a Mystic Rectangle with Venus ♏, Juno ♍, Neptune ♓, & Uranus ℞♉.
Join The Oracle’s Magi on Thursday, 21 December, from 4 to 6pm PST for a special Celestial Café Solstice Gathering, where we will acknowledge & welcome in the season of Capricorn – honouring our traditions & creating plans for and/or celebrating the culmination of our desired plans & projects – and hold brief ceremony for the Winter Solstice, Yule (NH), and for the Summer Solstice, Litha (SH), through a Lucid Meditation honouring the Three Hearts of Creation – Earth Heart, Human Heart, & Galactic/Cosmic Heart.
As part of our gathering, attendees will receive a card spread for personal awareness over the next powerful months leading to the Equinox, a crystal grid suggestion for the Solstice, & a one-card thematic reading.
With the $12.21 fee, attendees will receive a unique Zoom Link for the gathering (at point of payment), an Audio recording (mp3) of the Meditation, and a PDF of the slides from the gathering. Please remember to include e-mail with payment. Thank you in advance for your support.
The PayPal link is ( )
For Canadian attendees wishing to e-transfer payment, please use
What to Expect:
* A brief discussion about the astrological energies influencing us today
* A Lucid Journey Meditation tuning into the Solstice energies, if not other celestial energies (we are always surprised at whom Spirit invites into these meditations!)
* Sharing of our experiences
* One-Card Solstice Thematic Reading
* Our usual Laughter & the Magically Unexpected
What to Bring:
* A few of your favourite Card Decks
* Crystals if you are guided to bring any
* A Pen & Paper to write down any Messages & Gifts you receive
* A Magical Beverage of your choice
* Your Magnificent Energy & Smile
We look forward to seeing you there!
#astrology #solstice #zodiac #72angels #theoraclesmagi #angelsofthezodiac #crystalmoonmagiccircle #meditation #lucidmeditation #cardspreads #oraclecards #crystals #crystalgrids