Your Skin Needs This, ASAP
If you're not using vitamin C on your skin, you're missing out. This powerhouse reduces signs of aging, helps boost collagen production, lessens stretch marks and acne scars, and protects skin from sun damage.
If you're looking to buy a vitamin C skincare product from the store, look for something in a dark bottle (so the vitamin in the product doesn't spoil), and look for something that has concentrated amounts of the vitamin. For an extra boost of dewy-ness, try applying your daily moisturizer on top as your skin gets used to it. Always ask your doctor before adding new products to your skincare routine!
Related articles: Coffee Beauty Mask Recipe, Treat Yourself to a Home Facial: 5 Steps to Amazing Skin, Dry Skin? You Need This Face Mask
Natural Foods with Vitamin C:
While eating foods high in vitamin C alone will not change your skin, including these foods in your diet can boost any topical treatments you do - you can also apply the foods below directly to your face to get the benefits of this miracle vitamin.
-Raw, natural, honey is one of the best ways to nourish your skin - it's packed with vitamin C!
Natural Beauty Mask Recipe
-1-2 Tbsp of Raw, unpasteurized honey
-1/2 tsp of fresh lemon juice
-1 Strawberry, crushed
-A couple drops of water
Mix all ingredients together well. Spread on face and neck and let sit for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
*Always consult a doctor before trying new beauty treatments. Lemon may be irritating to skin. Always test on a small patch of skin first.