Podcast Interview Only

I started offering healing under the handle of "The Healer Chick" in 2005 after getting into Reiki. Thanks to learning Reiki in the traditional manner, I realized the healing work I was capable of was well beyond the confines of calling myself a Reiki Master. My mastery is healing & I believe in possibility. In 2015, despite walking my talk, my involvement in a fatal motor vehicle accident sent me on a journey that proved not even my faith could keep me buoyant; I hit rock bottom. After many years of clawing my way up, I am ready to share the wisdom I acquired. I believe that my experience, including the beautiful supernatural connection I have with the spirit of the deceased driver (whom I did not know before the crash) is meant to help others. As a psychic medium and all around healer, I have had a unique perspective of the event, the connection, life and death
